Completing the fields for Forms Support will likely involve your selecting the appropriate form fields (i.e. questions) from dropdown lists.
Because Asana forms are not available in its programming interface, Flowsana has to look at an existing task in the project to determine what these fields/questions of the form are, so it uses the most recently created task in the project to read the form's fields.
If you are not seeing your form's fields in the dropdown lists when creating a Forms Support workflow, it most likely means that the most recently created task in the project is not a form submission. Please create a new form submission in the project, then start over to create the Forms Support workflow again.
If you are seeing some form fields in the dropdown lists but they are not the correct set of fields, it most likely means that you updated your form fields, but the most recent task in the project does not have the fields you're expecting to see. Please create a new form submission, then start over to create the Forms Support workflow again.
Also please note that in order to use Flowsana's Forms Support workflow, you'll need to keep the "Copy all responses to task description" Asana form option enabled.