Multiple users can be handled in two ways; choose the best fit for your scenario.
1. Create one Flowsana account and share the login with multiple users.
In this case, you'll have one list of workflows among the multiple Flowsana users, and everyone can see what workflows have been created by the whole group. When using this option, it's often good to use a role-based email address for your Flowsana login rather than a person's email address. If you need to change your existing Flowsana login email address, contact Flowsana Support.
2. Have each person create their own Flowsana login and thus account.
In this case, each person will have their own list of workflows, and will not see workflows created by other users. Using this second option, the first account who signs up and inputs payment information becomes the admin account. Then all accounts whose login email is from the same email domain as the admin account will be automatically linked together for centralized billing purposes.
Note: if you have a Flowsana account from a different email domain but want it linked, that's no problem; just let us know and we can manually link it.)
See this Help article for more details on how billing works using this option.